If you’re like me, you don’t know where to begin when it comes to hiring a makeup artist, let alone what you need to do to prepare for your wedding day look! With that in mind, I’m so excited to share with you this week a shoot that I did this spring and an interview […]

August 22, 2019

Scott & Kelly, Blue Heron Wedding People always ask me if I get a feeling from some couples whether or not they’ll stay together. The truth is, do. I hope all my couples go the distance, but the ones that seem to have that special sauce are the ones who have a genuine regard for […]

blue heron golf club wedding

July 20, 2019

Christina and Dan’s wedding at Allaire State Park on a sunny summer afternoon was just the kind of intimate, heartfelt celebration that I come to love and expect from my couples. I’m telling you guys, I have never been to such a lively wedding ceremony! The little wedding chapel was packed with friends and family […]

July 15, 2019