It’s crazy to imagine that this day was completely different from the one they had planned, and yet I couldn’t imagine it any differently.
One of the things I absolutely love about doing these intimate weddings is that I get to actually meet and talk to the families! Where families are concerned, Philinda and Chris are definitely blessed. The warmth and love of families like theirs make weddings like this my favorite.
Also, Philinda and Chris are like literally the sweetest people! Philinda is my kind of girl; She’s a good plant mama, has an excellent sense of style and loves a bargain. I loved the direction she went in with her greenery bouquets and bridesmaid dresses from amazon!
Philinda and Chris’s wedding day was heartfelt, elegant, and all about what matters most. All together, it was a beautiful day and celebration for a totally sweet pair!
Philinda and Chris, thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your wedding day! I was a joy. Best wishes and many happy years of marriage to come!
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